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Do you want to be part of it?

Meet our criteria

Nivel 01

It is a company, legal entity or initiative that operates regularly in the ANP or in its area of influence, has infrastructure or equipment and marketing system such as e-mail, contact telephone and Facebook site.

Participate in meetings, whether face-to-face or virtual, for agreements and actions of the "Nature Tourism Network", verifiable by means of attendance lists.

It has the "authorization" from CONANP to operate its services in the ANP according to the dispositions that can be consulted at:

Actively participates in the collection of fees (conservation bracelet).

Nivel 02

Participates in or promotes concrete and demonstrable environmental conservation actions in its community (at least once a year).

The company is registered with the SAT and issues invoices.

Nivel 03

The guides or the people who work in the companies that offer this service are accredited with the Federal SECTUR in accordance with NOM-09, guides specialized in nature tourism.

The company has been awarded the "Moderniza" distinction by SECTUR Federal.

Participates in or promotes concrete and demonstrable environmental conservation actions in its community (at least twice a year).

The company complies with the established in the Law of Navigation and Maritime Commerce and its Regulation, in the referring thing to the Documentary Requirements to operate Nautical Tourism, with Small Boats of Recreation and Sport. (in the companies that apply).

The company has a federal maritime-terrestrial zone concession (where applicable).

It has the license of service provider of exploitation services via sport hunting (where applicable).

Nivel 04

Prove that you are up to date with your tax situation with the SAT of Hacienda, by submitting the "Favorable Opinion" document from the SAT.

The company, organization, or ejido has managed and complies with SEMARNAT's NOM-133 "Requirements and specifications for ecotourism sustainability".

Participates in or promotes concrete and demonstrable environmental conservation actions in its community (at least three times a year).
